Why should I care That’s a more involved question if you’re new to DevOps in general. It provides a language that allows you to define test cases, and the Invoke-Pester cmdlet to execute these tests and report the results.

Obviously, we can do a real deep dive here but for now I just want to make sure that more people are testing their code. Pester is a test framework for PowerShell. Turns out even though pester fails in PowerShell 5.x the job still gets marked as a success, so I added a little if statement to make sure that it runs exit 1. We then have to create a new job to run on a different shell. This way, we save us from manually creating three jobs that run the same code. The first one is using the strategy called matrix to run the job for each of the platforms we have defined. One called test-pwsh and one called test-posh. If ($Error.Fullyqualifiederrorid -eq 'PesterAssertionFailed') shell: powershell Install-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion 5.0.4 -confirm:$false -Force Set-PSRepository psgallery -InstallationPolicy trusted

Turns out, GitHub Actions has a solution for that. Automation of your IT operations by starting actions from a. Targets allow you to manage individual systems or containers with PowerShell scripts. Queries provide an associated list of display and parameter values of a referenced PS input parameter.
#Powershell pester windows#
If you are creating a module that you want to be usable for anyone running PowerShell, you need to run your tests on all platforms available, as well as Windows PowerShell. Features overview: Actions for controlled execution of PowerShell scripts on target systems. Pester not mocking function that is dot-sourced. However, one flaw here is that we are now running this on PowerShell 7 only, Windows only. Using Pester to test a PowerShell module, my mocked function doesnt return a value. Turns out, this works just as you expect it to. I just like the false sense of security by defining -Force 😅 Some of the parameters and switches are probably unnecessary, as the container you get served is completely clean. 3: 36: SeptemConvertFrom-JSON: Cannot bind argument to parameter InputObject because it is null. 1: 260: FebruPester Testcase for xml data. Topic Replies Views Activity About the Pester category. Ask all the Pester related questions in this category. It hosts a single test and prevents any failed test from failing the whole suite. Ask all the Pester related questions in this category. Run Pester on the directory containing the tests files, in my case it is called tests. The Test-Case function is roughly equivalent to the It function of Pester.
#Powershell pester install#
Install Pester, make sure nothing stops it from doing so by using -Confirm:$false and -force.Run a couple of cmdlets inline in PowerShell 7, as defined by the shell selection at the end.
#Powershell pester code#
Checks-out the repository to our workspace, so we can interact with our code.Runs a job called test-pwsh on the latest available Windows image.Runs on every git push to a branch called main (change this to suite your needs).Just to break it down, here we have an action that: Install-Module -Name Pester -RequiredVersion 5.0.4 -Confirm:$false -Force It 'the index.Run: | Set-PSRepository psgallery -InstallationPolicy trusted Test-NetworkPort -ComputerName MEMBERSRV1 -Port 80 | should be $true To demonstrate this, I've created a couple simple tests for a Web server. Since Pester itself does not provide any kind of reporting mechanism, per se and sends all output to the PowerShell console, it does have a handy option to format that output in a couple different ways through providing a parameter to the Invoke-Pester command. As you begin to write complicated testing scenarios, you'll ultimately come across a situation where you think to yourself, "It'd sure be nice if I could report on my tests and have some kind of Web interface to understand failures better." You're in luck because it can be done! Pester, although an excellent command-line tool, lacks in the reporting department. Mostly, since Pester is written in PowerShell, it can be utilized to test just about anything you can throw at it. It was originally adopted to be a unit testing framework but can also be adapted to perform integration and acceptance testing as well.

Pester is an easy-to-use testing framework for PowerShell code.